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The luck of the beginner

Gunsmith Fiamma

Full Member
Feb 10, 2015
First Name
Hello my friends,
I say beforehand, that i never casted a polyester blank in my wole life, but I used this kind of medium from many years, for other uses.
Some days ago, I came in possess of some clear polyester resin, some metal pigments and some liposoluble dies.
Since i like multicolor glittering blanks, I tried to cast a slab to be cut on the table saw.
I followed a tutorial on youtube where you wait until the resin start to slightly jelly, and then I poured the resin in to the mold (a square tupperware container) an waited for the magic to appen...... after a couple of hours it was still liquid and I started to be scared.
After 3 hours it started to smoke very badly, so I was convinced to wait till the smoke stop and cool down, then throw away the whole stuff.....It was late and i was tired, so i went to bed.
I'm a stubborn person and I was angry that i wasted the resin, so i decided to still cut this deformed blob on the table saw. With surprise the inside was exactly what I expected to be and so, I turned a blank in to a fancy silver kit:


A detail


Mates, this really is "The luck of the beginner".

I still have 4 blanks large enough to turn even a large diameter pen, but the problem is: How, in the name of the lord, can I replicate this error?

Citing Master yoda: " meditate on this I will"



grave manibus faciendum
Oct 7, 2013
First Name
Oh wow that is one cracker of a blank, a universe. I love it :thumbs:
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