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The Postie called again today

Bill Mooney

Blind old git
Grand Master
Aug 16, 2014
County Durham
First Name
He delivered 2 parcels. 1 from Woody & his wonderful gang which contained 27 beautiful pens.
Donated Pens.JPG

The second parcel contained the 5 pen kits that Peter (Buckeye) won in the raffle & kindly donated to me + 12 penkits kindly donated by Paulm.
THANK YOU ALL for your generosity. The pens will again be going to Blind Veterans UK.

Bill Mooney

Blind old git
Grand Master
Aug 16, 2014
County Durham
First Name
Forgot to tell you I had Steve Boswell on the phone this morning bubbling over with praise for you guys, he just thinks you are great for the support you give to Blind Veterans.
I hopefully recruited a guy this morning whois ex Navy & blind & should qualify to become a Blind Veteran & receive the help he needs.
All round a very satisfying day.


Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Some wonderful pens in that case Bill, as already said, we have some of the best people in the UK in these forums .. :thumbs:
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