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The Sedona closed end pens as a pair


May 1, 2014
Narrowboat dweller Willington, Derby
First Name
Some of you mentioned that you'd like to see both pens as a pair so here they but I couldn't get the light right so I'm sorry the wood doesn't show up as nice as it could do. Also I've upgraded the nib to one of Phil's Bock nibs in polished steel. However, a word of caution, if you buy Sedona from Timberbits the housing threads don't match Phil's compatible housings because the housings are Chinese and Phil's were made for the Taiwanese housings supplied with omegas and others. Phil very kindly got to the bottom of the problem and sent me a couple of housings with the right thread and I managed to simply swap the feeds and nibs over so now they fit the Sedona. It certainly writes very nicely. Many thanks Phil for your help :thumbs:



Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
A fine pair there Ray.

Glad we could get to the bottom of the problem. Just to clarify, the standard kit compatible housings that are on the Beaufort Ink website are made to fit the majoruty of the fountain pen kits that are available, which mostly come from Taiwan, or the better ones do anyway. Timberbits sedonas, and presumably their barons too, have a Chinese housing, (different thread) Ray and I have discovered. Whether that means that TB's sedonas and barons are made in China and not Taiwan as they claim, I'm not prepared to comment on - however, I do have a stock of Chinese housings too, so most kits can be catered for.

The Turners Retreat barons and sedonas have a Taiwanese housing by the way, and the kits do come from Taiwan. I couldn't say if the difference accounts for the difference in prices between TB and RT and I've never seen a TB sedona or baron to compare the quality, but I do find it strange that the origin of the nib housing should vary with TB.

Do not be fooled into thinking that all the different manufacturers make their own housings - they do not. They buy them in from a tiny pool of suppliers, which is why compatibility is what it is, and Chinese kit manufacturers tend to buy in from Chinese suppliers whilst Taiwanese kit manufacturers tend to buy in from Taiwanese suppliers. I suppose there is always room for an exception.

Anyway, problem overcome on this occasion - I hope they sell well Ray.
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