This pen turning business can be a bit frustrating and also very rewarding when it goes right. I continue to have problems with wooden blanks the one I was working on today shattered on the last turning on the mandrel before switching to sanding. I swore a lot composed myself went and had a cup of tea as us English do in times of stress
Any way the weekend was not a total disaster. I turned a Leveche in acrylic it turned out very nice. Inspired I turned a Royal pen in acrylic that turned out nice and disappeared out the door before I had time take a picture. I had a go at another acrylic it machined OK but you could actually see the brass tube through the acrylic. It looks awful I will be dismantling and using a different blank. I'm starting to realize that there is a difference in quality of blanks and that's why some of the acrylics are more expensive than others.
I need to get to the bottom of the wooden blanks problem because up to now I have had very little success with them at all my acrylics are spot on but wood is a disaster. I'm wondering if its because I use a metal work lathe for my turning using carbide cutters in the tool post holder to take the blank down to the bushings then finishing of with a gouge.
Acrylic good.
Wood bad.
Any way the weekend was not a total disaster. I turned a Leveche in acrylic it turned out very nice. Inspired I turned a Royal pen in acrylic that turned out nice and disappeared out the door before I had time take a picture. I had a go at another acrylic it machined OK but you could actually see the brass tube through the acrylic. It looks awful I will be dismantling and using a different blank. I'm starting to realize that there is a difference in quality of blanks and that's why some of the acrylics are more expensive than others.
I need to get to the bottom of the wooden blanks problem because up to now I have had very little success with them at all my acrylics are spot on but wood is a disaster. I'm wondering if its because I use a metal work lathe for my turning using carbide cutters in the tool post holder to take the blank down to the bushings then finishing of with a gouge.
Acrylic good.
Wood bad.