Due to working away and trying to get the garage sorted I've not turned a pen this year. Last week at work I showed my little case of samples and got a great reception. I sold three pens and got orders for another seven so being off this week I put the garage fettling on the back burner and started cutting and gluing some blanks.
Now I always use polyurethane glue as it never lets me down and has good gap filling qualities. It also pushes the tubes out if you don't watch out. So this morning Blackwood and bog oak blanks were put to one side to be put on the lathe to salvage the tubes.
Set up the Nova then realised I don't have a six inch rest. What a struggle using a ten inch rest that I couldn't get close or parallel to the blanks. Nevertheless I persevered and managed to get some two tone padauk done to a reasonable finish.
Put the pen together then realised I hadn't lined up the grain properly and also had pushed the bottom insert in too far so the pen won't close properly.
Never mind I'm covered in saw dust and happy. The next pen will be spot on......hopefully.
Now I always use polyurethane glue as it never lets me down and has good gap filling qualities. It also pushes the tubes out if you don't watch out. So this morning Blackwood and bog oak blanks were put to one side to be put on the lathe to salvage the tubes.
Set up the Nova then realised I don't have a six inch rest. What a struggle using a ten inch rest that I couldn't get close or parallel to the blanks. Nevertheless I persevered and managed to get some two tone padauk done to a reasonable finish.
Put the pen together then realised I hadn't lined up the grain properly and also had pushed the bottom insert in too far so the pen won't close properly.
Never mind I'm covered in saw dust and happy. The next pen will be spot on......hopefully.