Charly Cheeky Chops
Apprentice Member
Hi everybody it's late and I have to go to bed soon, school tomorrow.
We have been moving house and been in complete upheaval for weeks, there is so much work to do and I am one small part of what is going on around me.
Had a brillo visit to Grump and nanny Drain today.
I had a text from Grumps saying, compo any bit bead and dove. With Grumps you have to read between the lines and decipher his code.
I took it it to say this months competition is a bead pen and I love you, It seems predictive text had taken over it was supposed to say any kit bead and cove.
I still wouldn't have known what he was talking about and my lathe is under a load of boxes in the garage, I did make a pen for the last competition but never got to granddad to put it on for me.
My friend soon stole it from me, beads I thought I could make one without my lathe and used the school desk to press this together, Grumps has now straightened it out for me and it has become my favourite pen so far.
I had started an experiment with glueing plastic counters together to make pattern and took this with me today, while drilling it all fell to pieces. Grumps said when gluing plastic of this type don't use superglue we use solvent adhesive the type plumbers use on pipes, must say it is much better. Grumps calls them tiddly winks he showed me how to play before we glued them up.
Anyway this is a practice run with what we saved from the bin, my next one will be a proper pattern and glued with what Grumps says. You can see the white of the superglue and I practised making beads and coves on it.
I can't enter this as Grumps helped me with it but if I can get to may lathe I now know exactly what I want to do.
Doug I saw your Ickle birds they are sooo kewel I want to have a go at making them too, did you turn the beaks? I have an idea for using clothes pegs for beaks, I have to go now sorry it's such a short visit been so busy
We have been moving house and been in complete upheaval for weeks, there is so much work to do and I am one small part of what is going on around me.
Had a brillo visit to Grump and nanny Drain today.
I had a text from Grumps saying, compo any bit bead and dove. With Grumps you have to read between the lines and decipher his code.
I took it it to say this months competition is a bead pen and I love you, It seems predictive text had taken over it was supposed to say any kit bead and cove.
I still wouldn't have known what he was talking about and my lathe is under a load of boxes in the garage, I did make a pen for the last competition but never got to granddad to put it on for me.
My friend soon stole it from me, beads I thought I could make one without my lathe and used the school desk to press this together, Grumps has now straightened it out for me and it has become my favourite pen so far.
I had started an experiment with glueing plastic counters together to make pattern and took this with me today, while drilling it all fell to pieces. Grumps said when gluing plastic of this type don't use superglue we use solvent adhesive the type plumbers use on pipes, must say it is much better. Grumps calls them tiddly winks he showed me how to play before we glued them up.
Anyway this is a practice run with what we saved from the bin, my next one will be a proper pattern and glued with what Grumps says. You can see the white of the superglue and I practised making beads and coves on it.
I can't enter this as Grumps helped me with it but if I can get to may lathe I now know exactly what I want to do.
Doug I saw your Ickle birds they are sooo kewel I want to have a go at making them too, did you turn the beaks? I have an idea for using clothes pegs for beaks, I have to go now sorry it's such a short visit been so busy