The whole CA/Blo procedure is smelly, messy, and downright orrible. Blo? put on the wood first it will enhance and enrich the wood, apart from that I've never understood why the penturning community tries to apply blo with a surface (towel) that is designed to be absorbent. I know that there are several here that apply copious coats of CA. Where such a finish is necessary I have managed with a melamine lacquer. Surely the application of numerous coats is only necessary because the initial process involved putting the stuff on in such a manner that most of it ends up on the material you are using to apply it. Why not stop the lathe and wipe the stuff on and then let it set.
My logic on the use of BLO is that it is used to stop the ca bonding to the towel when the friction causes the acceleration of the curing process. But this could be way wide of the mark.