A TM Pencil kit arrived today, this was a bit odd as I was thinking of giving them a try, but didn't get around to asking for one!
Anyway, I slung it on the lathe this afternoon. Wood is Silver Birch.
There is a little play in the twist, before the click which makes the top feel a little loose to me, could do to be a little bit stiffer. Though for all I know, I could have put it together wrongly!
It does actually work though, which makes a big change for a pencil kit!
Anyway, I slung it on the lathe this afternoon. Wood is Silver Birch.
There is a little play in the twist, before the click which makes the top feel a little loose to me, could do to be a little bit stiffer. Though for all I know, I could have put it together wrongly!
It does actually work though, which makes a big change for a pencil kit!