Thanks for that, I did notice something similar on one of the Mills at Warco, I just didn't know what they were.
Thanks William and Peter I went out to my Mill and lo and behold I have two stops operated by an Allen threaded Screw but no post. When I bought my Mill Drill it was second hand so a I scoured the net . There were many groups who offered a lot of mods. One was to make an apron front and back of the table to keep swarf out of the winding gear so I will remove the front one there may be a provision for a stop centre there.
I am certain that would be a great bonus for me.
From the complete description etc of the Warco mill I could be wrong but its left handed. Not a terrible thing mine is so heavy I try to alternate left and right hands to operate it. Always thought I would rather get my exercise this way, BUT I signed up with a Gym and commence there next Monday.
Another mod I made immediately the quill lock was two flat blocks brought together to hold the Quill I stripped these out and fashioned two shoes that shaped around the quill to make it ten times better.
I know by now heaps of improves have surely taken place.
The next thing was heave the Taiwanese motor and fit heavy duty one from here or England. I did this with my drill press as well.