I managed to get a bit of time in the shed today and turned my first two fountain pens
The first is an Axminster Executive dressed in Holly and finished with 4 coats of CA, which as you can see from the photos I still didn't get the shiny look everyone else manages to
The second is a Baron from Turners Retreat, dressed in Amboyna Burr and also finished with 4 coats of CA, which I worked out how to get the finish with
Both photos were taken using the new EZ-Flo lighting kit.
The first is an Axminster Executive dressed in Holly and finished with 4 coats of CA, which as you can see from the photos I still didn't get the shiny look everyone else manages to
The second is a Baron from Turners Retreat, dressed in Amboyna Burr and also finished with 4 coats of CA, which I worked out how to get the finish with
Both photos were taken using the new EZ-Flo lighting kit.