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Understated Green Fountain Pen


Graduate Member
Jul 9, 2019
First Name
Hi all

It’s the weekend again. Scary how quickly they come around these days.

Talking of scary, here’s a pen that I think may divide opinion. 😊

It’s a cellulose acetate body and cap with fluorescent green acrylic accents.

I have a principle which says I would never make and sell a pen that I don’t like. But it’s perfectly acceptable to sell one that I wouldn’t necessarily buy for myself.

This is one of those. I really like the way it came out and haven’t seen many like this (maybe there’s a good reason for that 😊). When I posted it on social media I wasn’t sure how it would be received, but actually it was one of the most popular I’ve made for quite a while. Who knew eh?

Anyway here it is. Its always interesting getting the opinions of makers compared to customers, so feel free to let me know what you think.


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