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Unknown wood


Executive Member
Mar 20, 2014
First Name
I am not sure where this came from but I have a couple of pieces of this and this is the first to be turned. I tried to keep the form simple to show off the wood.

A nice simple finish of sander sealer and beeswax which I brought off of a local beekeeper who mixes it with a hard wax possibly carnauba

Measures 8" X 2 1/2"


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Executive Member
Mar 20, 2014
First Name
Thank you, Keith and Mark.

Wonderful profile. I believe it is difficult to get a simple, elegant profile. At least for me, often I try too much, and the shape gets mucked up. Very nice.

Getting the flow of a curve takes care. The thing I find is to look at the top of the turning and not at the tool that way you can see the shape as it is turned much better than looking where the tools is. Try to avoid flat areas which are so easy to get.
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