Although I dont pursue sales my carry pen for many years has been the multi dyed timber pen cut to reverse every time I lend it, use it share it the reception of it was incredible both woman and including hardy men. I have ceased letting anyone take from me a pen that is two piece and let them see or use it without I carefully remove the top part first the overall impatiance and real number of wrenches, attempted and successful pull aparts tell me Mr and Mrs average do not so revere or reverence their pen at this time rather get on with using it NOW. It would appear a most popular pen for a carry pen would be in this age of instant gratification for real busy people would be a push action one piece or twist action one piece.
The overall numbers of companies that leave on their counters efficient push action pens are legion these days where i frequent the Credit Union, Banks etc one tradie who came to work at my place with a to me monster earth mover come digger and smaller gear insisted when I asked him for a card to give me a couple of pens he said youll forget the card but Ill bet you use the pen and will know where to find it.
Since I also put nursing staff, doctors, specialists to some form of test with my attempts to fly, walk through trailer connections to the car, bark shins etc I also never see expensive pens mostly easy to pocket ones, the most ostentatious pen I have ever seen was a real flashy super salesman eccentric seniour Solicitor the pen was an enormous fountain covered in gold he produced this with a flourish at every opportunity encouraging signatures and obtaining them without any hesitation from all and sundry. Most of us are faced with these experiences the signing bit when our loved ones predecease us. When my Mum and Dad passed the processes were incredible and I also managed all the probate in under a week by getting certificates etc and proformas etc. Knocking 80 yrs my Dad only passed in 2001 at 92 yrs and I had great success bypassing a field of leaches and by suckers put in this world to prosper on preying on people in grief finally and including the ubiquatus Funeral Directors. Having witnessed the prepayment of my parents and our funeral preparation there are no nasty surprises or weird sales attempts from them any more.
Just my observation yesterday at our major public Library I was fishing briefly for my card when the guy said I have now cotacted the other companion Library they are holding your requested book for you to collect at your convenience some 20 kms and on my way home. I said how did you even get my name let alone my card number he said I read it on your drivers licence in your wallet. Wow some people are alert and advice from SWMBO dont open your wallet and expose any real amount of money cause there are bad people as well.
So who knows just how many people seeing our pens that we can use with subtle showmanship as we do subliminal or not we may never know. I never I hasten to say enclose my carry pen in public places to accompany signatures of many people just try and get it back from those honest ones.
Kind regards Peter.