So, I popped back out in the shed today to get some wood drilled and glued.
I remembered that I had started some trial wooden darts so decided to had a go at finishing them.
Made from Yew, I'm fairly pleased how they look but I think I should have turned them a bit thinner on the ends. I chickened out as the wood was getting pretty thin already and I didn't want to ruin them.
Each dart weighs in at 22g. A couple of grams heavier would have been good, but that's all the lead weight I could pack inside. They are from PSI and simple enough to make - just based on a short 7mm tube. Turn to shape, then fit one end and pack in some lead wire to weight them up before popping the other end on. Then the point and the tail just screw in.
I remembered that I had started some trial wooden darts so decided to had a go at finishing them.
Made from Yew, I'm fairly pleased how they look but I think I should have turned them a bit thinner on the ends. I chickened out as the wood was getting pretty thin already and I didn't want to ruin them.
Each dart weighs in at 22g. A couple of grams heavier would have been good, but that's all the lead weight I could pack inside. They are from PSI and simple enough to make - just based on a short 7mm tube. Turn to shape, then fit one end and pack in some lead wire to weight them up before popping the other end on. Then the point and the tail just screw in.