I got a new skew chisel with some birthday I have a go at another pen.
This was some yew which was a scrap left over from making a house name plaque for a friend.
The bit of wood is quite old. It came from a tree that fell in the '87 storms. It was in the grounds of a hospice. In 1990 I was training in forestry and was working with a guy who also had a mobile band saw. His wife sadly passed away and was looked after by a hospice in Berkshire. The tree was in their grounds. He offered to plank it up so it could be sold to cabinet makers to make some money for the hospice. I helped him plank the tree. At the end of the day there were some rough planks that where too scrappy to sell, so I got given them as payment for helping him out.
Over the years I've used them up gradually, but had this bit left over in the shed.
This was some yew which was a scrap left over from making a house name plaque for a friend.
The bit of wood is quite old. It came from a tree that fell in the '87 storms. It was in the grounds of a hospice. In 1990 I was training in forestry and was working with a guy who also had a mobile band saw. His wife sadly passed away and was looked after by a hospice in Berkshire. The tree was in their grounds. He offered to plank it up so it could be sold to cabinet makers to make some money for the hospice. I helped him plank the tree. At the end of the day there were some rough planks that where too scrappy to sell, so I got given them as payment for helping him out.
Over the years I've used them up gradually, but had this bit left over in the shed.