A Yew Zeta made yesterday. Made from a tree blown down in 1987 and planked up by me in 1990 when I was on my middle year at forestry college. I still have a few scraps of the wood from it in the shed
I had limited time in the shed yesterday but had hoped to do 2 pens. However I also had to drill and glue some more blanks for a couple of pens that friends had asked for. One of the blanks didn't want to play nicely and decided to split.
With all the faffing about with that I decided to call it a day as there was no point rushing to finish the other pen and ruining it. Ho Hm.....There's always another day.
I had limited time in the shed yesterday but had hoped to do 2 pens. However I also had to drill and glue some more blanks for a couple of pens that friends had asked for. One of the blanks didn't want to play nicely and decided to split.

With all the faffing about with that I decided to call it a day as there was no point rushing to finish the other pen and ruining it. Ho Hm.....There's always another day.