Spent most of the day tidying up the garage, a bit of maintenance and setup for the bandsaw.
I had enough of that, then I remembered, Alex gave me a blank of Zebrano End-Cut at the Southern members meet in Basingstoke. Never having turned this wood before I thought lets give it a go..
The grain is amazing, being end-grain it seem to roll off the ends of the blanks so you need a very sharp skew and with a little help of CA got it finished.
Blank - Zebrano End Cut, thanks to Alex
Penkit - Bolt Action Chrome by T/B
Finish - CA, TCut and Merl Wax.
I had enough of that, then I remembered, Alex gave me a blank of Zebrano End-Cut at the Southern members meet in Basingstoke. Never having turned this wood before I thought lets give it a go..
The grain is amazing, being end-grain it seem to roll off the ends of the blanks so you need a very sharp skew and with a little help of CA got it finished.
Blank - Zebrano End Cut, thanks to Alex
Penkit - Bolt Action Chrome by T/B
Finish - CA, TCut and Merl Wax.