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Only happens to me


Graduate Member
Jul 18, 2021
Northern Ireland
First Name
Well went to a meeting, Tuesday a week ago. On Wednesday had a bad cough ended up in bed till Sunday night. Called hospital advised them of this and that I was put on Antibiotics. They in turn advised me that my Eye Surgery for tomorrow would be cancelled. Received a letter today stating it has now been rescheduled till 8th March. So now plans put back by 2 months...
Looking at this message with my left eye only, can only make out bits and pieces and rest is blurred. So not sure if I should try to turn bodies for two pens tomorrow...


Dec 17, 2013
First Name
Not good, hope you recover quickly, you can manage with one eye if it's reasonable until you get the other sorted but safety has to be number one priority, pens can wait.

Having said all that one of our members (who shall remain nameless, Bill :whistling:) produces excellent pens while hampered with very poor vision and leaves me in awe of his skills.


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Well went to a meeting, Tuesday a week ago. On Wednesday had a bad cough ended up in bed till Sunday night. Called hospital advised them of this and that I was put on Antibiotics. They in turn advised me that my Eye Surgery for tomorrow would be cancelled. Received a letter today stating it has now been rescheduled till 8th March. So now plans put back by 2 months...
Looking at this message with my left eye only, can only make out bits and pieces and rest is blurred. So not sure if I should try to turn bodies for two pens tomorrow...
We have our own @Bill Mooney who has lost a massive amount of his sight and what he does have is poor to say the least, yet he turns some excellent pens.

So don’t think that what sight you have has ended your wood turning time, speak to Bill and he will help you through the safety side and what you can do to help get things done.

I had a few issues and he helped me greatly as I would have ended up finishing all together.


Graduate Member
Jul 18, 2021
Northern Ireland
First Name
is totally correct. Without binocular visio you can’t judge distance, speed is difficult etc so don’t do it. What if you get something in your “good” eye ?
Think it's just the cataract making it blurred. However if everything goes OK. I have to wait for my other eye to get done as well after it....
Just itching to get 2 Notus pens done.....

Bill Mooney

Blind old git
Grand Master
Aug 16, 2014
County Durham
First Name
Hi Tom @Tom . 1946, sorry to hear about your problem, I hope it’s sorted soon. When I first had an eye problem back in 2007 I was off the lathe for 14 months. I’ve been turning since 1959 so have a lot of experience to call on to help me. I was retrained by my charity before I started turning again. You need to learn different techniques. Hopefully in your case you sight loss is only temporary so you should have no problem starting up again.
My advice is the same as above. Be patient and wait until you’re fixed before turning again. An accident now may mean the end of your hobbies altogether and you don’t want that. I’m registered blind and see very poorly. If you still have problems after surgery you can pm me and I’ll give you my phone number and we can talk things through and I’ll help where I can. Good luck.