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a couple of my offerings


Apprentice Member
Feb 10, 2014
Purple Heart looks superb and the tulip wood is really showing off:thumbs:

Only a couple of points for me as I think both nib ends are ever so slightly over turned and looks like there is a little lip. The top end of the euro centre band looks just a little under turned as you can see the radial edge just a little bit. Sorry, only my oppinion and could also be the picture casting a shadow.

But both look as tho they have a nice finish..:thumbs:

You're right, Silver, I've just checked and there is a little lip on them both. I hadn't noticed that. :sob:
Thanks for your comments - I'm new to this and grateful for any criticism.

Note to self: pay more attention to detail... and try to remember where I bought that tulipwood.....:rolling:
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