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A Gold Australiana Elegant Beauty dressed in Yellow Box.

Vic Perrin

Executive Member
Feb 23, 2014
Rugeley Staffs
First Name
Another stunner Terry. I look at my pens and think to myself that's good and then I look at yours and the other guys on here who post regularly and think "Ah well I'm getting there". That's one of the reasons I like this site you are always getting some inspiration to improve what you do and more importantly the info on how to do it.



Chairman Plonker
Executive Member
Jan 31, 2013
An exile Geordie living in Kingston upon Hull
First Name
Another stunner Terry. I look at my pens and think to myself that's good and then I look at yours and the other guys on here who post regularly and think "Ah well I'm getting there". That's one of the reasons I like this site you are always getting some inspiration to improve what you do and more importantly the info on how to do it.


Vic there is nowt wrong with your turning. You are doing really well !!!!:thumbs:
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