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A set of JR Gents,Chrome


Jul 26, 2013
West Yorkshire
Heres some feedback from the customer after the pens arrived;

Received the pens I commissioned from Matty yesterday (I was out of the office when they arrived). I opened them this morning and was completely blown away. I commissioned Matty because I expected the receipients, who are all timber specialists, to appreciate both the workmanship and the use of materials. I wasn't disappointed, they were really surprised and loved the pens. There was lots of deliberation over which pen each would have as they liked all of them.

Huge thanks to Matty, he kept me posted through the whole process and delivered an exceptional product which I know are valued by those who now own them. I was only sad to see the last one go
I will definitely be coming back for more, in fact Matty if you are reading this can i order one more for me personally (a nice figured piece of wood if you have one).

If you a wondering whether to get one or two (or more) made them I would say don't hesitate. The workmanship is stunning and my colleagues assumed I had paid more than twice what I did demonstrating what fantastic value they are.

thanks guys, i took a punt on these (never doubted they would be good) and it has paid off big time exceeding my highest expectations


Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
First Name
Well if that don't make your head swell what will?
Bloody good luck young man well done on the return business too .
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