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A terrible day


Executive Member
Mar 20, 2014
First Name
I feel absolutely knackered today. Got woken at 2:30am with terrible cramp in both feet followed by a tightness of the chest, wife phoned 111 and next thing ambulance sitting outside front door. They seemed to be here ages. A 1/2hour later in hospital for the next 6 hours in and out of little rooms for this test and that most of this spent sitting on a hard plastic waiting room seat. Eventually cleared of any heart problems but still none the wiser why the tightness.
I have never been in such a disorganised hospital in all of my life
After all this to find I did not have any money with me wearing slippers 1/2hour car trip from home and no one to call for a lift as all at work asked about hospital transport "you don't need it" my answer " so I have to walk home then" eventually one of the family managed to get out of work got home at 2pm.
Still totally knackered. We have a hospital here but they have downgraded it so no emergency A & E in a University city along with hundreds of new houses being built.

So as I said totally knackered and P****d off

OK I just had to have a rant


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Seems Derek I have mirrored your experiences on so many occasions. Early am sent home many times,for old fellas you are faced with calling family or neighbors, friends so now even contrary to advice I choose ambulance and put up with the consequences or drive in and put up with the consequences. My wife does not drive invariably accompanies me in the ambulance or our car. One of the blessings etc of my old age I still have the ability to overcome, those less fortunate suffer badly from the treatment that you and I have received. Stay well my friend so glad it was your ability to return safely that time. The last time it was 12 hrs to get signed out by the doctor who all by himself made up his mind to refuse permission to go home because he felt 82 yrs would I be able to look after or my wife look after us. A compulsory visit followed looking at hand rails, mobility aids the care seems to be at your inconvenience not theirs.Retired now twenty years we have weathered Cancer three times, innumerable conflict, still sunny side up mate, we wish you well and safe recovery.

Kind regards Peter.


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Don't blame you for a rant Derek.

It's our NHS and its only half of what it was, I have my mum in currently and talk about being pass the parcel is an understatement.:rant:

This great country is doing so well with inflation down, employment up and we still can't afford to invest in our NHS.

This government is a joke..


Apr 11, 2016
First Name
I am sorry to hear of your terrible day Derek, let's hope that other days are kinder to you.


Executive Member
Mar 20, 2014
First Name
Thank you guys for the messages, but as you can gather this was more about the system rather than me I just need to have a rant.

Don't blame you for a rant Derek.

It's our NHS and its only half of what it was, I have my mum in currently and talk about being pass the parcel is an understatement.:rant:

This great country is doing so well with inflation down, employment up and we still can't afford to invest in our NHS.

This government is a joke..

Hope your Mum is home soon Eamonn nothing worse than laying or sitting in a ward waiting for visiting hours and hoping that someone will drop in to break the boredom.

Got home about 2pm and had a cuppa which was so needed and just sat there and promptly fell asleep, I slept all afternoon and most of the evening went to bed at 1030 and still managed to sleep all night. I have now managed to catch up on so much needed sleep.

Makes a hell of a difference from my younger days out all night clubbing and still do a days work the next day how things have changed
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