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Almost Ready To Go Kitless


Full Member
Apr 9, 2014
Other than the Nibs and Clips i have everything to start making some Kitless pens. I had a few weeks booked this month but had to cancel them due to work commitments. Now i have a week booked near the end of the month instead. This is when i intend to make the start ..

I have a guy coming over tomorrow teatime to talk through the metal lathe with me and give me a few pointers. Looking forward to getting started. I know a supplier for the Nibs ( :winking: ), just need to find one now for the Clips ..

Is anyone else ready for this task?? :thinks:

You may have noticed that I took the plunge a while back.
The clips are the biggest issue to me.
See http://www.penturners.co.uk/turning-pens/12130-triton-clip-where-can-i-get-these.html.

Nibs: there are two suppliers on this forum.
Converters: I get mine from Schmidts. If there's some one on the forum that can supply them, I apologise.
From the few pens I've made I found using ER32 collets with an MT2 work well. I use a 4jaw to center and take the blank to the pre-polished dia. Then I mount it it in a collet to thread and drill and eg cut the tenon for the section.

I have made some mandrels to fit the plastic parts. I then mount the mandrel in a collet on the wood lathe to shape and polish.

So take the plunge.

I haven't sold any yet because they're not quite perfect and I like using them.



Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Well i ordered a couple of nibs from Phil early this morning Inky, in the hope that next week i can make a start. I have all the collets and collet chuck you mention .. I will also be looking at making some steel mandrels also, i got plenty of S/S from work to make these. Just need to push myself as there isn't anything else stopping me now ..

Agree about the clips, we will have to find a solution for this at a later date .. The first few will have to go without for now .. :winking:


Dec 28, 2014
First Name
i am also about ready to have a go. i am just sketching out a plan with sizes on, so that I dont have to try and plan as I go.

i have the collet chuck and collets, a few taps and dies, nib and tap for for the nib. a couple of pieces of ebonite to begin with.

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
I have the solution to the clip and converter problems in hand.

First, clips - I've got a tiny selection on their way from one or two places, which should be here in the next few days. I can't tell you much about them at the moment - I just grasped at a few straws to try to help people out, but suffice to say they are not slimlines. It is my intention to build a selection of clips over the next few weeks, some of which will seem familiar, and I'm hoping some of which will be completely new and different. Watch this space. I'll give you the specs on the clips that are already on their way as soon as they arrive.

Second - Converters. I hope by now that people are convinced by the Beaufort brand and happy with the quality of the products, and so there are Beaufort converters in the pipeline. Needless to say they are not far eastern and they are of the finest quality. I hope they will retail for around the £3 mark and they are probably about two to three weeks away. They will fit the Bock housings in both sizes 5 & 6, and also fit the Bock "kit compatible" housings in both sizes. They can also be used to upgrade the converters that come the the chinese and taiwanese kits, the quality of which are often variable.

So don't panic. Both aspects are in hand, and I'll keep you posted.


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
What a buzz each pen will owe about a hundred dollars thinking over in my place is make haste slowly.The race is over there are members who already make their own.



Full Member
Apr 9, 2014
Well i ordered a couple of nibs from Phil early this morning Inky, in the hope that next week i can make a start. I have all the collets and collet chuck you mention .. I will also be looking at making some steel mandrels also, i got plenty of S/S from work to make these. Just need to push myself as there isn't anything else stopping me now ..

Agree about the clips, we will have to find a solution for this at a later date .. The first few will have to go without for now .. :winking:

Hi jim,

I butchered some 8mm slimline clips by cutting away most of the ring and filing out ( some have used a Dremel but either way tedious) clearance between the finial and the body of the cap so it won't show on the outside.
If you thread the finial to the cap ( I use 6mm) you can size and polish the two together, unscrew and place the clip between them and glue the finial to the cap body.

I did post a pic of the first kitless I made butchering the clip but I can't find the post.


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