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Amazing pens


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Is it not possible, even if I were to get the tap and die, to hold the blank in a normal chuck with the tap or die in the tail stock and cut the thread by turning the chuck by hand? I assume that trying to cut a thread like that at 400rpm, my slowest just wouldn't work?

Ray, take a look at this thread which illustrates the method you are referring to. Don't try it with the lathe running unless you can lower your speeds to sub 50rpm. Just turn the chuck by hand.


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Selling a kitless pen for around £170 is neither highway robbery nor particularly difficult, and YES, there are those people around you Vic - and you, Ray. You're just not selling to them at the minute. I'm put in mind of Stella Artois, which used to be a high-priced beer many years ago. Then they started wanting to expand into mass-market so lowered their prices 'temporarily'. They've never succeeded in getting them back up, because nobody sees them as a premium brand anymore.

If you want to sell kitless pens you CANNOT be charging £12.50 like I see a lot of folk doing with their kit pens. Kitless take a lot of time and a measure of skill and to underprice that work would be stupid. I charge £200 a pen and even then I barely break even - which is why I don't sell more than I can comfortably make while enjoying my hobby. If I wanted to sell more I wouldn't be displaying them alongside my £12.50 streamlines - I'd be marketing to an entirely different audience.

Oh, and BTW - if you EVER see me selling a £12.50 streamline please shoot me ...


Executive Member
Sep 12, 2014
First Name
Hi Ray, Jim a guy on E bay was selling bits and pieces so i bought some nib assemblys and pen assemblys, they seem a direct fit in some of my other kits, i also bought some some blanks but not had enough time for what i want to do:nooidea:


May 1, 2014
Narrowboat dweller Willington, Derby
First Name
Selling a kitless pen for around £170 is neither highway robbery nor particularly difficult, and YES, there are those people around you Vic - and you, Ray. You're just not selling to them at the minute. I'm put in mind of Stella Artois, which used to be a high-priced beer many years ago. Then they started wanting to expand into mass-market so lowered their prices 'temporarily'. They've never succeeded in getting them back up, because nobody sees them as a premium brand anymore.

If you want to sell kitless pens you CANNOT be charging £12.50 like I see a lot of folk doing with their kit pens. Kitless take a lot of time and a measure of skill and to underprice that work would be stupid. I charge £200 a pen and even then I barely break even - which is why I don't sell more than I can comfortably make while enjoying my hobby. If I wanted to sell more I wouldn't be displaying them alongside my £12.50 streamlines - I'd be marketing to an entirely different audience.

Oh, and BTW - if you EVER see me selling a £12.50 streamline please shoot me ...
I hope nothing I've said on this thread has implied I think his prices are robbery because I don't. I am full of admiration for his work and my point in starting this was to share that with others. I know some of you already make high end pens but it's simply an admiration for great work :thumbs:
Warning! This thread has not had any replies for over a year. You are welcome to post a reply here, but it might be better to start a new thread (and maybe include a link to this one if you need to).