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Artists Pencil ..


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name

I like the pencil in its simplicity must confess will it sell does not concern me is it neat, functional, handy, useful yes in spades, selling is another subject I will make another version because it has different kit that suits my plan for something different, yes it is difficult to give scale however the prime reason we show our turnings is for the display of timber, usefulness. I would like to know which vehicle we all drive this then would reveal what makes us tick is it need , usefulness, necessity so you can make judgement of both vehicles
we have two a 2001 Daewoo Leganza 2.2 litre sedan from new and a few months ago a Mercedes SUV 320 1999 Model my old age indulgence, we are very fond of both.

Kind regards Peter.:thinks:
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