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Beaufort inks.

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
Thanks Phil. Once I have the display up in the gallery I will let you know the details so you can list me as a stockist.

No problem at all Walter. Everyone who stocks our retail packs to sell on to their customers can be listed as a stockist on our sister site beaufortink.com which is advertised on the packs themselves. It doesn't sell refills on that site, but the public can find out about the products and find out where to buy them, i.e. the stockists.

It's a new feature, and once we've got a few stockists, we'll put it live, so yes, do send me the details you want to appear under your listing - website, email, address, phone number - any or all of those, whatever it is you want us to put on the site. If you want your website and/or email, they'll both have live links.
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