I think Bob means putting grease or oil down the inside of the shaft that the live centre is on, I know mine recommends doing that to keep the bearing lubricated.
Oops sorry mate
I think Bob means putting grease or oil down the inside of the shaft that the live centre is on, I know mine recommends doing that to keep the bearing lubricated.
Keep all greases and oils well away from your wood lathe.
What bloody lunacy are you lot on about? I have heard some stupid tricks in my time and some of them on here.
Anything used on a wood lathe should be self lubricating ends there.
Before this gets out of hand we are talking about wood lathes and centers.
Not metal lathes or bearings or ways or tailstocks.
Pure lunacy to put grease or oils in a revolving or dead center but there are plenty of lunatics here that may want to try it init?
Go ahead, try it and see what it does to your wood and workshop and you.
Some people can't be helped init?
And others just jump in when they don't got a clue what they are talking about.
Try reading the thread before gobbing off.
Sorry guys did not want to cause an argument was not talking about lubing the lathe or the points of the center but the bearings inside this is what I mean from 2 minutes 30 seconds in.
They are great live centres, I have the same and I do lubricate it as shown, it's good practice and will last for years