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Blaue Abalone Slimline


Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
First Name
Now this makes this pen even more special, i had no idea that you actually made this blank .. :thumbs:

Yes, I bought lots of this blaue abalone and for that pen I seem to remember it took 48" of the strip. I can't find it anymore except from the US, but the postage is far too much. I have some small bits of blaue abalone shell more than enough to make a really nice pen, but either my wife has thrown it out or it is hiding.

If I had spelled it right paua abalone I might have found it, here is some, that's where I bought mine.



Grand Master
Oct 19, 2011
Yes, I bought lots of this blaue abalone and for that pen I seem to remember it took 48" of the strip. I can't find it anymore except from the US, but the postage is far too much. I have some small bits of blaue abalone shell more than enough to make a really nice pen, but either my wife has thrown it out or it is hiding.

If I had spelled it right paua abalone I might have found it, here is some, that's where I bought mine.


Thanks for the links guys, Peter i did go searching for this earlier, and could only find USA links .. :nooidea:


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Yes I made the blank myself, it was the last of the Abalone I had and we had another sunny day, the tubes have been waiting to be cast for almost a year, as I only cast outside and it needs to be warm. This Abalone strip is better than nothing, but it pales in comparison with a real shell. The photographs are a poor representation of the real colour.


Thanks Peter once again I went over the results bloody marvelous mate sorry try not to swear much but all praise to you for your casting by the way doddle over to the IAP in their library a Canadian Les Elm a friend of mine for quite a time now casts using a heated simply made bucket for preparation all weathers I think I copied it down but I am a mug computer retriever send me a pm with your home E Mail addy and I will ask my daughter who lives near us help to send it to you. At the end of this month our third daughter arrives for the month from the USA where she lives, she is a school teacher and will spend a month of their holidays with us she is computer literate. You will love Les Elms casting I am certain everything he does is incredible.

Kind regards Peter.:thumbs:


Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
First Name
Thanks for that, I have looked at IAP Library and can't see anything from Les Elm although that might not be his username. It's not so much mixing and pouring on a cold day as I always use hot water to put the resin in to make it thinner and easier to mix, it's the temperature outside that could be too cold for a good cure. Now that I have the pressure pot and compressor it would be a really cold environment for the resin to sit in and cure and I don't fancy warming up a pressure pot, it is so big and heavy it is not convenient to take indoors even if there was no smell of the resin. I am on the lookout for a smaller pressure pot so that might be possible to have it at indoors temperature, pressurise it then take it back indoors.

As regards to the abalone strips on the tubes it took me ages to work out a way to get them on the tube so that they were all square and as close together as possible. I had tried all sorts of glue, CA was okay if you got it square immediately, but you don't really know it's square until you have got more of them glued on. I spent days trying to get them right and then the lightbulb moment happened and I put an elastic band on the tube and slid the strips under the elastic which held them in place so that I could visually square them up and CA them into place at one end, job done:banana:



Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Thanks for that, I have looked at IAP Library and can't see anything from Les Elm although that might not be his username. It's not so much mixing and pouring on a cold day as I always use hot water to put the resin in to make it thinner and easier to mix, it's the temperature outside that could be too cold for a good cure. Now that I have the pressure pot and compressor it would be a really cold environment for the resin to sit in and cure and I don't fancy warming up a pressure pot, it is so big and heavy it is not convenient to take indoors even if there was no smell of the resin. I am on the lookout for a smaller pressure pot so that might be possible to have it at indoors temperature, pressurise it then take it back indoors.

As regards to the abalone strips on the tubes it took me ages to work out a way to get them on the tube so that they were all square and as close together as possible. I had tried all sorts of glue, CA was okay if you got it square immediately, but you don't really know it's square until you have got more of them glued on. I spent days trying to get them right and then the lightbulb moment happened and I put an elastic band on the tube and slid the strips under the elastic which held them in place so that I could visually square them up and CA them into place at one end, job done:banana:


I found the article waiting to learn how to transpose it send me a pm and I will send it to your E Mail addy when i find out how. You are right I know he uses forum names. Kind regards Peter.:goesred: PS he uses les in red deer on the Aussie U Beaut Forum Pen Turning Section.
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