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General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Hi Terry,
Merv is right, everyone on here with experience of BLO/CA method will tell you a different way each time. But it's trial and error. Mainly error at first..:down:

I could tell you another way and a different abrasive but that won't help you, what Merv has given you is a basis for a start and it will work once you find that knack..

The only thing I will say is use cones if you have them, otherwise you might just have problems of getting the bushes off. :goesred:

If you like it and any customers you may gleam on the way like it then make it work for you.:thumbs:

However remember some really like that "wood feel" that you don't get when using CA.
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