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Bock Nib Sections

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
You are the first Darling!:frenchkiss:

I may have to revise my opinions about the saleability of these sections - I've always believed that most makers would prefer to make their own. but I sent out two more orders of them today and I haven't even advertised them yet. Maybe I should have dipped my toe in the pond sooner.

Anyway, I'm glad yours has arrived safely William, and needless to say, I'm delighted you like it. Don't leave it too long before it finds it's way onto a pen. I should have the thread taps from America in about another week or so.


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Just got this from Phil today. I have to say they are even nicer than they look in the pictures. I'm not sure why anyone would make their own sections to be honest. I must add I don't have a project in mind for this yet so sadly it's going to sit in the box until my other jobs are done and I work out what I want to use it on. :whistling:

How much mate, need to weigh up against other methods.

I am very impressed.

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