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Busy day today


Graduate Member
May 4, 2014
First Name
Not sure if the question is rhetorical or you really want to know so here goes.

I sand the blank 180, 220, 320. I do this while still mounted to the bushings. I remove from bushings and mount with non stick bushings for CA application. (I make my own) Next I apply a couple coats of thin CA followed by 5 coats of medium CA. It doesn't matter what the glue looks like. You have applied sufficient coats to let you sand it flat. I like to let the blanks sit at least overnight to cure the CA. Now I start sanding with 400 to level the CA coated blank then progress with 600, 800, 1000 and 1200. Buff the blank with EEE then use Novus fine scratch remover. Sounds like a lot but the sanding/buffing takes less than 5 minutes. I do blanks in batches. Turn and sand x number then apply glue to those, then sand/buff. I use this product for the 400-1200 sanding. They come in 4" squares, I cut into 1" strips.

Cheers, Terry

I am going to have another go using your procedure
Many Thanks
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