Suused it out chaps.
I found with the cheap poundland thin ca I was getting cold like symptoms, sniffing snorting and sneezing all bloody night and couldn't sleep.
Lady I live with gave me some ant hystremine pills which helped.
It was taking about 3 hrs per coat to dry so I put 2 coats per day on.
Having seen David's demo here I sourced me some Mitre fix from Screwfix, it comes with ca glue and accelerater. Hope I am allowed to give you the link.
No Nonsense Mitre Adhesive 200ml |
Bloody marelous this stuff its thicker, unsure if medium or thick as I have only used thin until now and it doesn't say on bottle.
With the accelerater I have put 20 coats on in the time it took my mate to make a cuppa.
The finished result is shining like a laser beam in pilots eyes.
I will try and get a photo of it later (how does one picture a shine? I will try)
Anyway thanks so much for this demo it has really helped me.