Thank you so much John it was fun and thanks for your support Frankie.
Well lookie here. I personally want to congratuate you for your perserverance and the ability to figure it out on your own. Yes the key was to do 2 blanks at the same time and just swap parts. I told you it was simple. Your knots look spot on my friend. I am glad you had some fun. You now get that A+ you deserve. Thanks for playing.
What a great thread, you don't see this sort of thing on other forums.
Well done all init?
Thank you Fiona keep it up may I just point out that Doug has writen the tutorial for this thread well done Doug.Well done Frankie. Lovely work the metal looks fantastic. I've thoroughly enjoyed the weekend trying to crack this one. I'm now on attempt eight and following your tutorial. Thanks again.
Thanks also to everyone who has shown their work and risen to this challenge. This forum is a melting pot for ideas and I/we never stop learning. Kind regards. Fiona
I have a challenge for those that cast their own blanks that someday I will post if I ever get it done.