At long last this Pen is finished, it has been a bit of a saga. Eamonn Kindly sent me this so long ago that I have forgotten when. I have had the tubes on the lathe 3 or 4 times and twice I couldn't find the kit to measure the fitting, my wife having tidied it away. I have sanded through the CA finish down to the wood twice and I am so pleased that I have finished it. The wood is London Plane which is also from Eamonn and it's the only piece I have ever had so I chose that for this pen, although he did send me so many other blanks. Thank you Eamonn and I am really sorry that it has taken so long to come up with the finished pen.
I included the 2nd photo to show the CA finish is done properly:wink:
I included the 2nd photo to show the CA finish is done properly:wink: