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Dayacom Jr. Gent 2 Versus Timberbits Castellar


Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
First Name
Her is a photo of the two and then a photo of the two plus the Jr. Gent 1

The Dayacom is head shoulders and top hat above the Castellar. The clip on the Dayacom is a solid piece of metal riveted to the metal that forms the top circle the of the clip, whereas on the Castellar the clip is a thin sheet folded to give strength just as the JR. Gent 1 is. If you don't understand what I mean look at the clip on the Jr. Gent 1. I know in practice it probably won't make much difference, but it is an indicator as to the rest of the build quality.

The plating on the Dayacom is so plainly better than the other two and I think it comes down to the quality of finishing the metal before it is plated, I have done a little plating and when I buffed and buffed until I could buff no more the quality of the plating was a fantastic, tremendous leap above just sanding and wire wool then plating.

I actually prefer none posting pens and I think the Dayacom would lend itself to a closed end pen without losing any function.

They all feel okay to hold and dry write with. The photo may not show clearly, but the centre bands are lined up as are the top finials, the Dayacom is slightly smaller than the JG 1 and quite a bit smaller than the Castellar, I really do think a closed end on the Dayacom slightly longer than it is now would benefit the overall look, but even without it is nicer than having those awful threads at the end.

The Dayacom has a metal external thread for the cap to screw on and it does look nice instead of the normal black plastic threads we are used to, however I find that of the three pens I can't twist the Dayacom closed enough that it won't start to open without actioning. The other two can be given the last little twist and it requires a positive twist to open, but I wonder how the threads on the other two will hold up over time. The Castellar cap thread is better than the Jr.Gent 1, how much better only time or clumsy use will tell.

The Dayacom comes with an ink cart and a Schmidt pump, the other two just with an ink cart.

If there is anything else you would like to know just ask and I will try my best to answer




General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
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Interesting to see the difference Peter.

The thread on the Dayacom is a concern, not sure why that happens, however its a point I have not experienced.

The postable pens will be longer due to the extra fitting required for the posting. However its nice to see the comparison that has given me the reason for sticking to suppliers I know and can trust.

A good honest and informative comparison.



Grand Master
Aug 17, 2013
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A good fair and honest appraisal there Peter thank you very much.
I won't be buying any of them but would try to steer toward the Dayacom anyone who does.


Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
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Very interesting Peter, until Timberbits came on the scene I only bought Berea and Dayacom kits. i guess it all comes down to what we are willing to spend on them.:thinks:

I woud love to buy some of them, but I have no idea how much they would be landed. I think the Jr. Gent 1 has been a really good pen for me and I still have more than a few left, the price is incredibly low and is an ideal pen to start off with to get you on the road to bigger and better. The Castellar is quite nice, but I think I prefer the Snr. Gent.

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