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Disabled turners


Full Member
Oct 23, 2018
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Hi All.

Alan, that bass is superb. I replied on the original post.

Joseph, if you've got music in your head and you can't
physically play it, that is going to be difficult for you. I suggest
that you pick a guitar up (....not bad choice I guess, a
Les Paul and three Strats eh...) ignore the wife (hahaha)
and just hold it and mess with it. It will have a cathartic
effect on you.

What about a different instrument ? Some
of the amazing keyboards available, can almost be played with
one finger!!! Check out Yamaha Tyros 4, Tyros 5 etc
on Youtube - quite amazing !!!

Well done to everyone else who are 'adapting'. It's
a long process and the trouble is with music, is
that 'I never think I'm good enough and I must get better'
It's so frustrating being a musician and never ever being
able to get to a point of satisfaction !!!!

Anyway, maybe we should all get together, form a band
and get out on the road. Maybe we could at least play
a couple of instruments between us and get the
'Smoke on the Water' riff in the can and, of course, this
riff can be played for hours on end.

Only trouble is, can we between us, and our total
count of fingers and feet, drive the Transit???

Bagsy last in line with the groupies !!!!

Best wishes to all - Jim



Graduate Member
Jan 1, 2020
Whickham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
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John Joseph
Hi Jolly Jim, Smoke on the water was a doddle before my stoke, its been just over 6yrs since I played the guitar, I think I will try the bass first, and if that feels ok. then a 6 and then maybe the 12 string. There was a nurse on my ward that used to say " if you don't use it you will loose it" and by god she was wright, I have lost it. As for getting on the road I'm up for that you hold one side of the wheel and I the other, but it will have to be an Automatic, I don't think both of us will fit the seat.

as for Bagsy last in line with the groupies !!!! NO WAY pal.


Full Member
Oct 23, 2018
First Name
hahahahaha......nice one Joseph. It does'nt matter too much
about steering the Transit cos they would wander wherever they
wanted to go and the brakes were kinda optional, if you
know what I mean.....

How about Apache on your Strat ??? You play the left
hand and I'll take the right. Alan can control the tremolo.....

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