Hmm it appears these soft jaws are not soft at all I took them into work marked them up for drilling popped the centres were the holes needed to be so I could tap them to accept the pen jaws. popped them on an industrial pillar drill with with very expensive drills that will rip through just about any thing. Nothing the drills just spun and got very hot but made no head way at all drilling any kind of hole. So I have switched to plan B. Not sure if that is going to work either. I suppose I could refit them on the wood lathe and use them as they are intended. Any way we wil see.Update I have been messing with the diferent sets of chuck jaws to see what the difference is. I have come to the conclusion that if I pop the Axminster lathe jaws on my Milling machine I can modify them to fit on my metal lathe this then gives me the option to use any of the Chuck fittings on the metal lathe. An interesting project that will keep me out of michief for the week end. But un likely I will use anything other than the pen jaws on the metal lathe. Of course if it works and some one else has a metal lathe they would like to mount pen jaws on ???
and ensure you always drill in through the grain matched (adjoining) ends of two part pens.Just to add my bit, I always leave a waste section on the blank 5-6mm this is sacrificial and if any chip out occur it's normally within this bit which is cut off...