Grand Master
My son in law when he lived in the UK used to make his own from plexiglass and acetone. Dissolving the plexi takes a couple of days then applying it as you would CA.
My son in law when he lived in the UK used to make his own from plexiglass and acetone. Dissolving the plexi takes a couple of days then applying it as you would CA.
Funnily enough, I was reading about this exact method on the IAP website a couple of days ago. I decided it is one to store for future experimentation.
Sorry Gents - I didn't spot your questions until now
I've not used the spray stuff, but I imagine that most of it goes anywhere except on the blank, and I also imagine that the covering would not be even and would require sanding between coats.
With the liquid stuff from the tin, there is no sanding between coats required - just burnishing with a dry tissue. The carnauba wax can be applied after a couple of minutes. I usually go and get the kit parts and the press ready after the last coat, which takes a minute or two, then come back to the lathe and apply the wax.