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First Bolt-Action Tec-Pens


Sep 9, 2015
Northern California
First Name
Mmm. Nice work there. I wonder how that kit would look with a steampunk blank, because to me it has that kind of look in the kit, an industrial look. Food for thought.. Thanks for showing. :thumbs:

I agree with Jim and Rowdy..

Looks like a really nice looking kit.

I took a while to respond to this post as I needed to get my head around the way the clip fastens on to the body with a couple of screws and giving the effect of " oops we forgot to put a clip on it" from the designers.. :whistling:

But no, I think I like it..:thinks:

Done a nice job of the kits, but can share the "short problem" with you as did that on one of the first click pens we ever made. After that I'm very particular just how much we take off when we square off the ends.

I agree about the steampunk look. The clip held on with screws is one of the things that drew me to this kit.


May 21, 2013
Hitchin, Hertfordshire
First Name

Nicely done, but I have to say that the design from that fantastic design studio, PSI, leaves everything to be desired. The stylus, when used will deflect and cause the angular metal to contact with the screen. Not very clever, but as I said, nicely done but excessively trimmed!
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