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first Celtic Knot


Aug 22, 2015
Scot in exile in North East England
First Name
Peter also been called many others
That's a great job Peter.

Not sure where in the NE you live but you could probably get offcuts or samples of thin plastics from Amari Plastics (next to retail shops on TVTE) or Bay Plastics on Tyne Tunnel TE. There's also one on the North side of Scotswood Bridge next to the Tile shop just as you come off the bridge. Have you thought of cutting up an offcut of white square guttering? I've got loads if you want any.

Cheers Bob, Amari didn't have any but got some black at Scotswood only colour they had. :thumbs:


Dec 17, 2013
First Name
Cheers Bob, Amari didn't have any but got some black at Scotswood only colour they had. :thumbs:

Hey Peter, I might have a bit of white material if you need it. I'm just North of Morpeth but sometimes down to the Metro Centre. Could easily stick a bit in the post though.
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