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Fly and Feather plus Watch Parts Pens


Full Member
Nov 27, 2013
Blackpool Lancashire
First Name
Steve I do prefer a white background even though it is unforgiving for feather pens with a hook do you fit one on each side? I s that a Mallard Duck feather with the hook?

The addition of a short trace can add to the composition.

Got my watch parts all ready for some time now will need to make or buy a dapping system to shape the larger gears etc to the blank shape and get a suitable block to drift out the tiny gear shafts from the train wheels as well. At this stage I have so many calls on so little time together with my dental drill stuff and nail art supplies I bought from a nail technician so long ago.

Like your pens great to see your progress mate.

Kind regards Peter.:thinks::thumbs:

I use Mallard and Teal flank also Guinea Fowl. and yes i do them on both sides.
I take your point about the trace adding to the composition. i'll give it a go.

Regards Steve.

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