Here are a few policies i have drafted up, i would really appreciate it if we can try and stick by these few rules. We are still very liberal in how we run these forums and this is how I wish it to stay.
Thank You all for your understanding.
Registering in the Forums is FREE! HOWEVER - We do insist that you abide by the TOS (Terms Of Services), rules and policies detailed herein...
1. Purpose
a. The Forums 'Bulletin Board' is privately owned and operated without any government or other interested party (external) 'behind the scenes' support - financial or otherwise - other than visible standard advertising. I'm just a normal guy with the same interests as all of you, not a big corporation.
2. Moderation Of Content
a. The Forums are moderated at the moment just by me, but hopefully as we grow we will be needing moderators. Although the moderation of the Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable discussion thread posts, copyrighted material or other objectionable materials and files off of this forum, it is impossible for me to review every individual discussion thread, post and attachment...
b. All discussion thread posts express the views of the post author, will NOT be held responsible for the content of any message, post or other file attachment such as pictures...
c. reserves the right to remove, edit, move or close any post and/or discussion thread, file attachment and/or any other content (such as pictures) for any reason without explanation...
3. Posts and Threads
a. If you are in any way, financially or otherwise, 'related' to a product or company under discussion, it is required that you state your relationship. Feel free to respond to questions but let us know if you are 'related'. HOWEVER - We want content in the forums, not just a referral to your web site or products or services. If you want to post an outright advertisement, have a product to sell, a demo or whatever please PM or e-mail Jim to discuss. Advertising Information.
b. Products or services you may be associated with, along with a link to your company's web site, can be detailed in your User Profile. As you interact with the community, folks will naturally look at the profile and see your information. If there's something specific you think your product or service can help with, please give a detailed explanation and then refer people to your profile or a post for information. Please help in the post rather than to just say you have a product which will 'cure all'... A simple statement that your product will solve someone's problem is not sufficient. Your website url, telephone number, company name and your product can and may be put in your Profile. **If you post a simple "My product will help you" type of post, expect the post to be deleted or heavily edited.
c. You are free to respond to any post about your specific software, service or product for purposes of clarification, to refute what you believe to be incorrect or to otherwise 'correct' what you believe to be misinformation. Just don't make your post into an overt 'advertisement', and please don't post in anger or in an insulting tone. Please use the opportunity to promote yourself through helping, rather than just 'raising a ruckus'...
And remember: If you want to help, this forum is always looking for people who will take a few minutes now and again and help answer questions people have that are within their specialty...
4. Prohibited Use
a. By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any content that is racist, obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening or that violate any laws. The Forums are here to discuss compliance to standards, quality assurance and related issues - Please try not to start threads to debate politics, sex or religion, humour is allowed (Jokes). I retain the right to delete, edit, move or close any thread for any reason...
b. Forums, believes everyone has a right to post their opinions and experiences as long as they are on topic and not derogatory. If you want to 'sing the praises' of a product you use, by all means do so. If the product stinks, let us know. But, be as specific as possible. Just saying something like "...product X sucks..." tells us nothing...
5. Content And Rights
a. You also agree that you understand that any posts you make, including any attachments to discussion thread posts, are made into 'The Public Domain'. Neither I, nor you, can make any claim of 'Copyright' ownership of any post or attachments herein - even your own. Posting or attaching a file to a post implies your consent to distribution from this site without restriction. These forums are open to everyone on the internet and are meant to be a resource for exchanging ideas and information - not a source of legal problems…
Site Copyright Policy
a. If you post in the Forums (this includes attachments to any post) you do not have a right to assert copyright claim(s) now or in the future. We don't assert that we own the rights to posted content, including files attached to posts, and neither can you. This is a free system and my policy is to NOT be a money grubbing type with lawyers at hand, but rather to be a free resource for folks. If the contents of your posts are 'golden' to you, I suggest you post elsewhere or write a book and sell it. If you post here, your question(s) and any and all answers to questions(s), as well as any file attachments you contribute, are in the public domain. The only exception is in the case of authors of books or articles who post them here, in full or in part, to share with the community. In these cases the copyright holder retains all copyright rights…
b. However, you may not copy any post(s) and/or download post file attachments and distribute, or use, or sell them for profit. Doing so requires the express written consent of the person who posted the post and/or file attached to the post, as well as notification of Jim…
Also see these related copyright policies and discussion threads...
6. Registration
Users can only be registered on the forum with one persona. In instances where two or more registrations from the same user are found, all except one of them will be removed, and the one remaining might not be the one you were hoping to remain. Repeated infringements of this will result in the user being banned from the forum altogether.
When you see fighting, bickering, potential copyright issues, or any other problems in a discussion thread, note that every post has a 'Report this Post' by clicking on the black triangle with the exclamation mark inside, this is found at the bottom left of each post. Please use it to report problems. PLEASE - Do not start problems in a discussion thread by trying to 'discipline' someone in a discussion thread. Let The Staff Handle Problems…
By using the 'Report this Post’ button, I will be notified of the Report. The post will be examined within 24 hours from receipt of the report if not sooner. If the Report is valid, the post or attachment will be removed and/or amended as required by the specific scenario…
8. Abuse Of Forum Messaging Systems - Visitor Messages, PM’s (Private Messages - aka Personal Messages), etc…
Private Messaging, Visitor Messaging and other communications outside the main forum is provided to the members of the forum as a service intended to enhance the Community experience. The purpose is to allow for discreet conversations to take place between members outside of the main forums. Solicitation, spamming, vulgarity, or harassment of any kind is strictly forbidden. Any member receiving an inappropriate personal message, visitor message, etc. should Report it right away using the 'Report' button, or the Report Link where there is no button (such as in visitor messages, photo albums, etc.)…
PM’s (Private Messages) - PM's are only accessible by those who send and receive them (the sender and the recipient(s)). Private Messages are not intended to deprive the Community of valuable information or experiences which could benefit the entire group. Please do not use private messages if the content of the message can be helpful to others..