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full pen kit or not?


Full Member
Jul 25, 2016
United Kingdom
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You obviously dont bother to read all of the answers to your question

I have read all the posts and I am grateful for all the suggestions and ideas, what I was saying was I don't understand WHY the barrel isn't the same length as the pen. I just find it a strange design. I am also trying to navigate this site for the first time and I'm learning how to send replies to individuals or groups so please don't think I haven't read all the replies if I haven't replied to everyone

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
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I have read all the posts and I am grateful for all the suggestions and ideas, what I was saying was I don't understand WHY the barrel isn't the same length as the pen. I just find it a strange design. I am also trying to navigate this site for the first time and I'm learning how to send replies to individuals or groups so please don't think I haven't read all the replies if I haven't replied to everyone
Don't pay any attention to these grumpy old buggers John - if you don't know, you don't know.

The tube is there just to give the nib section something to screw in to, and to provide a little bit of stability for the assembly inside your work of art. You need to put the spring on the refill and put the refill into the nib section (without the tube on it) so that it sticks out at the pointy end by a suitable amount - usually about 3mm or so. Them measure how much refill will be inside the pen. Drill your pen blank to exactly that depth, plus say 1mm, to a diameter of 7mm (I'm assuming the tube diameter is 6 point something millimeters, but if not, then a different drill size needs to be chosen accordingly)

Next, glue the tube in place - push it in 1mm from the end, which will allow you to trim up the blank nice and square when the glue is dry - that's why I said drill out to depth plus 1mm. Once you've turned, sanded and applied a finish to you blank you can press in the thread, insert the refill and spring, then screw on the section.

Job done


Full Member
Jul 25, 2016
United Kingdom
First Name
Sorry I thought I'd replied to this earlier but can't see any signs of it, :duh: I'll have to learn how to use this site, :book: anyway. ... thanks for the detailed explanation I'll practice on some slimlines first they seem I bit more straightforward, :thanxs:
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