How are things going? I have also struggled with getting an opaque colour and come to the conclusion; I need to paint the tube first. I’ll,let you know how / if that works out.
Dont be too careful with the size of hole you make in the top of the alum8nite dye bottle or , unlike me ,don’t squeeze it too hard
Everything was orange that day.
Be aware that the pressure pot, with a home made lid and vacuum pump can work really well as a vaccum pot for impregnating things like pine cones and , soft spalted wood that would otherwise be unworkable. You then need a small oven to cure the stickfast resin or cactus juice but it’s a whole new world. By the way DONT even consider curing in the household oven , the smell is impossible to get rid of quickly . I read up on it , was warned and didn’t try it as matricide could be long and painful.