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Gunmetal elegant sierra


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
Thanks guys for all your input. I'm very familiar with the concept of paying duties as I import all the time. And yes, I do pay my way. However - if I buy a Chinese or Taiwanese product from America, I am effectively paying duty twice. Once for the American dealer to import and put a markup on, and once to bring it from America to the UK. That's why I wondered if they were already available in the UK. If I could find a manufacturer I would have no hesitation in bringing them in for my own use myself, but unfortunately I cannot, and I would prefer to support a British suppler rather than Exotic Blanks in America, who it seems to me are only very nice to you when you are paying them money.

Yes please Dan - hurry up. I look forward to the Omicron or the Gamma with bated breath. I know you have the similar looking Zeta, but on this occasion it is definitely elegant sierras I need. Oh well, back to exotic blanks I suppose.

Phil put your cards on the table with Ed at Exotic blanks he too reads our forum as other dealers to members of the forum perhaps he can help you there are many things over the years, I have other points of view and expressed them to Ed and we have had friendly conversation about. I have drawn in swap with him talked many times on the telephone with him and his Princess. He like you has other irons in the fire will appreciate with his vast experience. Trust you reach conclusions with the pen kits you seek.

Kind regards Peter.


Jan 12, 2015
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Must a man be subjugated to the heel for having a different viewpoint than the followers? Was it not strong nations down under that was founded on such noble principals?


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
The main principle we follow as Australians have a problem front up with the person solve the problem or not move on. Looks like Phil did that and more power to him Ed. The 42nd signer of the Declaration of Independance was a cousin of mine from Scotland put his money where his mouth is.Cost him dearly personally so thriving on purpose is all out important. I have been impressed by the courtesies extended over thought expressed on the forum. My main interest is pens.


Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
First Name
Thanks Bill, that's kind of you to go to the trouble. It's very similar at first glance, although it's GM/gold instead of GM/chrome. The centre band is also not the same and I'm guessing it's china not taiwan. Thanks for finding it though.


Apr 22, 2013
Amble on the sunny Northumberland coast.
First Name
I'm very familiar with the concept of paying duties as I import all the time.

My comments were not directed at you personally Phil nor indeed at any other individual, I just find it tiresome when ways of avoiding or evading properly due taxes are raised, as they repeatedly are on this forum and others. Whether it is bankers or bin men it matters not, I abhor dishonesty.


General dogsbody
Executive Member
Jun 29, 2013
Somewhere in Staffordshire,
First Name
Thanks guys for all your input. I'm very familiar with the concept of paying duties as I import all the time. And yes, I do pay my way.

However - if I buy a Chinese or Taiwanese product from America, I am effectively paying duty twice. Once for the American dealer to import and put a markup on, and once to bring it from America to the UK.

I would have no hesitation in bringing them in for my own use myself, but unfortunately I cannot, and I would prefer to support a British suppler rather than Exotic Blanks in America
No problems Phil, I too wasn't getting at anyone in particular but I don't believe there is enough knowledge about taxes and imports being paid and I didn't want anyone coming in saying how many times they can get away without paying it.. puts Jim in an awkward place in the forum if you know what I mean.

I agree with he "double" tax paying Phil, but they have done the homework, much the same as Dan is doing in the UK on kit quality, its been vetted and can be assure of the better quality. buying direct then you are in the lap of the Gods, much as Dan can confirm. I have also been there done that..

As for UK manufacturer, I agree but there isn't any now and the call for it in the UK is not sufficient for anyone to start manufacturing either. If they did then they would need to export, and compete with the Chinese market as well. so we would end up having cheap kits again..
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