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Have psi lost the plot?


May 21, 2013
Hitchin, Hertfordshire
First Name
I love different, it's a shame they are not easier to get hold of, I couldn't care less if the majority of people don't like something, it's what I like that matters.

Welcome to the forum.



Easy to get hold of, give Ryan, fritz or the other guy whose name escapes me from woodturningz.com.
If you explain that you have no taste whatsoever and want some of these appalling kit and that, although it may be hard to believe you wish to part with money for them, they will be able to help you out, freight from woodturningz is reasonable and you can get 4lbs worth of kit for about $25 plus $3 insurance plus George's cut this end.


Grand Master
May 26, 2013
First Name
OK I must be in the minority , as I like some of the new pen designs. the steampunk pen kits rock. As for the gothica pen set it gives a lot of options for design . We live in a time when you can get a slimline type pen everywhere you look. The option of having a pen that stands out and is not sold by the million is always a desired option.So I say, go for it and don't be conservative in your choice.

WElcome show us your pen choices mate.

Peter from over here.


Apprentice Member
Aug 16, 2014
Saratoga Springs, NY USA
First Name
There are really two issues here. One is the choice of names. I agree that they are pretty bad. The automotive guys have the same issue. In my opinion, that's all a product of substandard marketing courses in MBA schools. Having spent 36 years in marketing, one thing that I know is that names don't sell the product. Product quality is what sell.

The issue that I'm more concerned about is the choice of designs. I understand that PSI sells kits to pen turners, and presumably they have the data to confirm that pen turners want to buy what they are selling. And presumably, the pen turners they sell to are convinced that those designs are what their customers want to buy. And if that is the case, then there is an awful lot of bad taste out there.

But the designs that are being offered simply don't appeal to my taste. I don't care for guns, and refuse to have anything to do with pens that look like guns or ammunition. The 'steampunk' stuff is simply ugly. They have a lot of designs that are overboard with 'bling' - to the point of being tacky.

I much prefer elegant simplicity - plain, sleek designs where the metal components don't fight with the turned wood for attention.


Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
First Name

Easy to get hold of, give Ryan, fritz or the other guy whose name escapes me from woodturningz.com.
If you explain that you have no taste whatsoever and want some of these appalling kit and that, although it may be hard to believe you wish to part with money for them, they will be able to help you out, freight from woodturningz is reasonable and you can get 4lbs worth of kit for about $25 plus $3 insurance plus George's cut this end.

I wouldn't mind at least one of each, they are different, I like different, as for lack of taste you have proven many times that you have none whatsoever, recently with your praise of one of the crappest pens to have ever hit the market. I understand that you cater for the mass market and can't afford to produce individual pens, but that one diameter pen is the pits. Anybody who is seriously into pens would never buy one of those unless it was for a laugh.

George who? why would woodrurningz give him a cut?



May 21, 2013
Hitchin, Hertfordshire
First Name
There are really two issues here. One is the choice of names. I agree that they are pretty bad. The automotive guys have the same issue. In my opinion, that's all a product of substandard marketing courses in MBA schools. Having spent 36 years in marketing, one thing that I know is that names don't sell the product. Product quality is what sell.

The issue that I'm more concerned about is the choice of designs. I understand that PSI sells kits to pen turners, and presumably they have the data to confirm that pen turners want to buy what they are selling. And presumably, the pen turners they sell to are convinced that those designs are what their customers want to buy. And if that is the case, then there is an awful lot of bad taste out there.

But the designs that are being offered simply don't appeal to my taste. I don't care for guns, and refuse to have anything to do with pens that look like guns or ammunition. The 'steampunk' stuff is simply ugly. They have a lot of designs that are overboard with 'bling' - to the point of being tacky.

I much prefer elegant simplicity - plain, sleek designs where the metal components don't fight with the turned wood for attention.


You can always argu against a policy or principle with an individual case, and I agree, in principle, with your comment about what sells, but in doing so tell of two cases where the quality, if in deed it was there, never got a chance to surface.

The first case was that of the British Royal Mail. They attempted to take over the incompetent Spanish mail system and in their proposals, they suggested that the name for the new venture should be consignia (or something very similar). The idiots in the marketing department didn't do any homework and the proposals were greeted with hilarity and ridicule. Consignia is Spanish for lost luggage! Whoops!

And the second was that of the esteemed bean counters, Price Waterhouse Coopers, who renamed themselves, very briefly to Monday's. The thought behind this wasthat it would be the first thing that people thought of when they started a new working week. This concept redefined nanosecond in the context of a bad idea and was replaced by the shortened PWC. Unfortunately this didn't go down to well with the company in Russia as PWC is the anglicised version of their word which is pronounced "pwerc" which means fart in Russian!
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