Afternoon folks, hope everyone is good ! Would just like to say, what an awesome forum this is ! Certainly didn't expect this many replies, all greatly appreciated, thank-you ! :) Have been a little busy today so didn't get as much time in the man cave as I would of liked, but I have had a little play about. With the suggestions made, I did the kiss test. Both points matched up perfectly, bearings seem fine, no play in the headstock. Mandrel is turning true with no wobble. I had another go and unfortunately the problem still exsists. This is my method. I also make my own blanks.
1. Rip down timber to 20x20 mm
2. Cut to desired length ( length of brass tube plus a few mm )
3. Mark the center and put in the chuck. Line the X mark up with the tailstock spur.
4. Swap over to Jacobs chuck in tailstock and put in 4mm brad point bit. ( check if the point still matches the center of the X )
5. Turn lathe speed down, start the hole off with the skew chisel and commence drilling slow, cleaning out reguarly. Once complete, repeated with a 7mm brad point.
6. Rough up the brass tube to give it a good key.
7. Spray accelerator in the blank, glue up the brass tube, and slide into blank. ( goes in about 2mm from the surface.
8. Put 7mm barrel trimmer in pillar drill and square both blanks and ends till it just hits the brass tube.
9. Put madrel in headstock, slide on bushings and tighten up brass nut. ( not too tight, but tight enough)
10. Bring up talstock for support and lightly tighten to pick up the slack.
11. Turn to desired shape the dimensions.