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Help with CA finish


Chief Battonager
Jan 27, 2013
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Turn the ca off the bushes.

If you are going to keep the bushes on,Mathis is the way. Use a sharp parting tool to create a sharp edge at the junction of the blank and th bush. Bushes should be viewed as consumables and replaced every few pens anyway, so don't whine about abrading the bushes out of size!



Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
First Name
I'll drink to that a good wine and computer really go well together:chuckle::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I hadn't heard that I will give it a go tonight, see how I get on:devil:



Graduate Member
Oct 31, 2014
First Name
Thanks everyone I will try some of the methods above Grumps I don't know what me blooming testicles have to do with this is this yet an other new method? I will have a look on u-tube all though this usually ends up with me building stuff which I probably don't need or at least puts a want in my mind that should not be there in the first place probably go on to look at ca on pens and mysteriously end up either on Steve Ramsey's site or more likely the king of the jigs Mr Matthias Wandel. U-tube should be banned from this PC I don't think I could fit an other saw sled into the workshop.

On an other topic and speaking of ca I have found a new method on how to teach yourself to yodel. Inadvertently I dropped some ca on my jeans and did not notice then sprayed activator which partly landed on said unnoticed blob of ca it was hot thought it was going to burn through to the bone and nothing I could do about it and so ended my first lesson on how to yodel and I do not intend to proceed to the next lesson


grave manibus faciendum
Oct 7, 2013
First Name
Thanks everyone I will try some of the methods above Grumps I don't know what me blooming testicles have to do with this is this yet an other new method? I will have a look on u-tube all though this usually ends up with me building stuff which I probably don't need or at least puts a want in my mind that should not be there in the first place probably go on to look at ca on pens and mysteriously end up either on Steve Ramsey's site or more likely the king of the jigs Mr Matthias Wandel. U-tube should be banned from this PC I don't think I could fit an other saw sled into the workshop.

On an other topic and speaking of ca I have found a new method on how to teach yourself to yodel. Inadvertently I dropped some ca on my jeans and did not notice then sprayed activator which partly landed on said unnoticed blob of ca it was hot thought it was going to burn through to the bone and nothing I could do about it and so ended my first lesson on how to yodel and I do not intend to proceed to the next lesson

OOOchaaaa. That does sound painful.


Graduate Member
Oct 31, 2014
First Name
Bob. Is it cold or damp, misty / foggy in your environment?

Blooming or synthesis for the testicle minded can be brought on by moisture content of the atmosphere.
There should be no need to use activator in a warm dry environment, ca dries in seconds when it's fresh.
Only impatient people use it cos they wanna see it finished before they start.
BLO does nothing to help so can be disposed of, it's down to technique of application and time of curing to get your finish right.
Practice on some scrap material and get your surroundings right, you'll soon find how to do it.
Avoid old ca and get some nice fresh stuff, hope reading this finds your fault.

Hi Grumps

It is certainly cold up here in the highlands it was -1 C yesterday and during the winter it is not uncommon for the temp to drop below - 20 C so I have a box with all my polishes and anything that would denature and keep this in the house until needed. If going out to the shed I have a fan heater going for about 30 minutes before working but all though I do not notice the shed is damp and certainly there is no water getting in it must be a little damp as I noticed a couple of days ago that there was slight film of rust on my bandsaw and on the old lathe I had before cleaned the bandsaw with wd and sealed it with paste wax probably the wrong thing to do in my inexperience so when I bought my new Lathe yesterday I mentioned this to the salesman and he said I should get some ptfe spray. Sorry a bit off subject but as someone new to all this stuff I have more questions than answers oh and the ca is about a week old.

cheers Bob


Executive Member
Oct 15, 2013
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I know from experience that CA does not go off instantly when it is cold, that is why I use activator, my garage is unheated and it is cheaper to use activator than to heat the garage.



Graduate Member
Oct 31, 2014
First Name
Hi thanks all I think I have cracked it I followed Buckeyes link to timberbits and roughly followed what he did I put on about 15 layers of thin and only used a fine mist of accelerator as advised from about 18" then used the micropads but not wet as he did it but at about 600 rpm dry then as I did not have any brasso I used autosol he then finished with a auto product called I think called mac coys mirror glaze but as I did not have that either I used huts crystal finish and after polishing finished off with some canuba wax for good measure the last bits where done at 3000 rpm. Below is a not very good picture (hand held at 1/6th of a second) I must get my tripod and a little lighting jig set up when I get time.

CA Pen PB210022.jpg
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