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Hi from Manchester


Full Member
Oct 15, 2015
Manchester UK
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Thanks to all for your kind words, more kits and pen blanks have now arrived, just waiting for the blank trimmer to arrive.
So far I've been able to drill out and glue the inserts to some tulipwood so will post an image when finished.
Question - can one buy pre drilled blanks (7mm) ?

Phil Dart

Executive Member
Nov 28, 2014
Colebrooke, Devon
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Question - can one buy pre drilled blanks (7mm) ?
Yes, I'm sure you can. In fact if you send me your blanks I'm happy to do it for you. £40 per hour, does that sound fair? - but as you're a member here, I'll do it for £30. But if you've got a lathe and a 7mm drill bit, then you have all you need to drill them yourself. It's regarded by one and all as part and parcel of the pen making process I afraid. A bit of a bore I know, (groan - bad pun fully intended) but it's just something you accept and get used to.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2015
Manchester UK
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pre drill

Again thanks for the replies - I did a 'google' on pre drilled blanks and they are out there.
For the moment I'll do as Beaufort says (and thanks for the offer to drill them for me) and do it at home.
May end up getting a drill stand and new drill - I could do with a new drill anyway - as my Unimat Classic lathe is Tiny! the biggest mandrill it will take is 7mm
and the biggest I can 'lathe drill' is about 3mm. -
I'll bet no one on this forum uses one, but once set up it will turn hardwood up to about 40mm dia.
I've found it very good for my other retirement hobby, RC model boats.


Full Member
Oct 15, 2015
Manchester UK
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'When all else fails - read the instructions' :funny:
And I did that after I'd put the pen together - However my partner - Ann - Is very happy with it.
I got it right with the second set of blanks that came with the kit from 'Cool Tool'
The wood as I said was naff but all I wanted was the mandrill and a way to see if I could do the job.
Just cut, drilled and glued the inserts into a nice piece of Elm, tomorrow I'll rough the blanks down so later this week I can make my first decent hardwood pens.
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