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How much do you sell sierra pens for ?


Full Member
Oct 31, 2013
website info - check with others for comparisons

Thanks Fiona,
I am looking to open an online shop with web page.
Any ideas on what service provider to use and how much a month to arrange, all I want is a thumbnail arrangement with paypal facility for orders.

Hi, I’m not sure I’m the right person to advise you on this topic ~ I think we paid a little over the odds for our web site. However, I’ll summarise our costs so you can use them as a reference. We bought two domains fionaspens.com and fionaspens.co.uk for £10 and $10 respectively. You need to pay a retention fee for these approx $6 per year ~ it’s cheaper if you purchase say 4-6 years at once. Our web site is hosted by GoDaddy.com at $30 per year. This fee includes use of a web site builder and free online/ phone support. The website can be upgraded anytime you want at no extra cost. The basic package gives you 5 pages. Our setup is P1 Home ~ P2 Blurb ~P3/4 Galleries P5 Contact us. You can set it up as you wish using an array of templates. PayPal can be linked in. We haven’t done this, as Andrew is our main turner and this is a hobby for us not an occupation. Andrew has Parkinson’s and can only turn on a good day. The stress of having to produce the goods for a particular date also exacerbates his condition. Basically we have added an extra hurdle to control output and if you want to place an order you email us and go from there. That said, we get enough orders to keep us busy, although not enough to do it full-time.
I hope that helps ~ the only other thing I’d like to mention is that Google analytics allows you to monitor your website activity. It’s free and it’s quite surprising who’s watching you. We often have hits from the States and Russia of all places. Kind regards. Fiona

PS Others in the forum, I’m sure, can advise on cheaper options so it pays to do your homework before starting
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